Fact: You may not be noticeably sleepy during

Fact: You may not be noticeably sleepy during the day, but losing even one hour of sleep can affect your ability to think properly and respond quickly.Fact: Most people can reset their biological clock, but only by appropriately timed cues and even then, by one or two hours per day at best.Fact: The quantity of sleep you get is important, sure, but it the quality of your sleep that you really have to pay attention to. Brought the community together and the organisers deserve credit. As the car accelerated, the policeman was dislodged and fell down, fortunately without any serious injury. We are situated on the most narrow and sought after part of island. When he was 11, he was gifted a cine camera byWith an obsession for moving pictures, Harry went on to make 400 films, the early ones silent and the later ones with audio of his family and everday life. For example, between Mars and Jupiter, you have the Main Asteroid Belt, while beyond Neptune lies the Kuiper Belt. It is still good if you want to come over to pamper yourself again, I’m sure it’s worth every penny =)Arogatogozaimasu!This review is the subjective opinion of a TripAdvisor member and not of TripAdvisor LLCjazum1n, Manager at Ikeda Spa, responded to this reviewResponded 28 March 2017Thank you for your kind feedback.

This becomes part of your tooling.4. But if we can look at it in the original language that it was written 바카라사이트 (Hebrew); which by the way was the first language spoken to the Lord God’s people, the actual voice and the Word of God himself; then we get a much clearer picture of what is being said here. The Aussie explains why every brand needs a 200 year plan, how golf can revitalize its business and also clears up an old rumor about him and Bill Clinton.. Call em out, but then what. In the distant galaxy GN20, an astonishing average of 1,850 new stars are born every year. Have read the following since then.1. Disney PrincessesOf course everyone has their favorite type of Disney Fan Art. Much like learning a song so you guaranteed to sound good whenever you get up on stage, you can now invest time thinking about your chess games ahead of time so you “guaranteed” to play well during the early stages of the game. Something about his Hard Scot style that left me as clammy as his pronouncement that “man was no more significant to the universe than an oyster.”For me, it remains Descartes Ontological Argument that provided the philosophical lantern in our collective cave of existential darkness.

With the following invitation templates, all

With the following invitation templates, all you need is a copy of Microsoft Publisher, a printer and some paper.. The UECC would also like to thank its members and friends those who supported the successful fundraiser, raised money for the UECC by attending the cruise, and, in the process, relaxed, swam, sunbathed and had a wonderful Caribbean adventure in the company of Ukrainian friends as well.. A woman’s role in Korea is still largely defined as a wife and mother, with little flexibility outside of this.. The resolution of this image is about 500 meters per pixel. Anna Jane Hunter, director for the north of England at Network Rail, said: with our railway industry partners, we are making improvements to station facilities at Workington, Whitehaven, Sellafield, Barrow in Furness, Burneside, Staveley and Windermere in Cumbria to help improve passengers experience.. Microsoft even has Steve Lipner who did one of projects (below) that taught me high assurance security. The water seems further down than anticipated.

These server logs may include information such as your IP address, browser type and language, number of clicks, domain names of websites visited, pages viewed, and the order of those pages, the amount of time spent on particular pages, the date and time.. You can search these radio stations to find the appropriate one by genre, name and location. Its provisional designation is 2018 VG18, but they nicknamed the planet Farout is the most distant body ever observed in our Solar System, at 120 astronomical units (AU) away.. Well, it’s definitely worth a try.. When you done using your phaser rifle you just dematerialize it. Canadian here and most of my knowledge in american politics comes from house of cards (so not a lot). The human element remains the biggest resource for Pakistan, the government must 바카라사이트 utilise this to promote safety of the population and counter the threat of extremism engulfing this nation.. Here’s how much snow to expect in your backyard (MAP) Snow forecast worsens for many.

During the Middle Ages, Stonemasons were the only group who could travel anywhere they wanted. These can be made up to 2 days in advance. The middle class residents let loose online after finding out there would not be a Marks Spencers on the vacant lot as they had hoped.Despite the new addition being largely welcomed by most of the people in the area, many took to social media to voice their disgust over the move.Scotland’s only Miss Transgender UK entrant hopes to get life changing surgeryOne post, which has since been taken down, branded the store’s opening as “disgraceful” and said it would “bring down the tone of the whole area.”(Image: Daily Record)Another said: “Completely and utterly outrageous! There is no demand for a Lidl in Giffnock. Canceled, got paid and got to enjoy his exquisite taste in Thai food.?[Asteroid dust could be modeled as] the equivalent of volcanic eruptions of dust, with atmospheric deposition from above rather than below.? The new information on micron sized particles?have much greater implications for [extraterrestrial visitors] like Tunguska,? a reference to an asteroid or comet that exploded 8 km above the Stony Tunguska river in Siberia in 1908.

This is a time when the universe sends you im

This is a time when the universe sends you important new information. The Lord gave him a new name and he became ‘Father Abraham’, highly blessed by God and the sire of all nations (Genesis 17:5).. Citizenship and Immigration Services) office to say we can give you a tourist visa right now, but go ahead, he said.. I am building my decks for and spamming bo1. The mission statement was quite simple and direct: char broiled burgers and milk shakes at the very economic price at the time of fifteen cents. Baptists, nevertheless, believe in deliverance by grace alone by belief in Christ, apart from works. Another thing is, if your mind is racing, it usually because you worried about something. But, even before that I had auditioned for a Malayalam movie directed by Faazal sir, but that didn work out for some reasons. We can help you make every occasion special across multiple dining and banquet venues available within the Resort.know better book better go betterTripAdvisor LLC is not responsible for content on external web sites..

They offer a variety of activities from fishing charters to airboat rides to kayaking. Real solar power and chemical rockets: not a flux capacitor in sight etc. A nice, new, clean sports bar with a dozen or so televisions mounted on the wall, tuned in (of course) to every sporting event that’s currently happening. Among renowned oil bulls, the Andurand Capital Commodities Fund lost 4.1 percent for the month through Nov. If you do boil vegetables, use the cooking water in a soup or another dish to ensure you getting all the vitamins.Wash all fruits and vegetables. It happened a lot with smok tanks at my store, people would use too much juice during their priming of the coil causing it to leak excess.. I spotted this absolutely gorgeous girl waiting in the lunch line and my jaw drops. It made it interesting, even while I raged, sometimes, internally. Black Panther or Doctor Strange or Spider Man were introduced at the right time for a future focal point of the series to be introduced. It will always be among my favorites..

Then the second week for drill and parade.”. A scheme is now being planned, which is not aimed at revenue collection and government does not even want this money to go into the real estate sector either, Achakzai said at a press conference.. I love for them to tell that to the families of the military personnel that have either died in service or are on their third or fourth round.. Melanie mom and dad try to engage her with toys, songs, and games, but nothing they do gets her interest, let alone a laugh or a smile. I dont 온라인카지노 know if its a bug, but its the best reason i could think of.. Into the Emmys, much speculation surrounded whether Netflix of Cards would be the first series not shown on a broadcast or cable network to win best drama. There are lots of different types of resinsto be sorted forits properties: polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene;and thespecifictype of plastic is usually found in a triangle symbol with a number inside and perhaps a code underneath. From your claim here, I don think you have a good grasp on the demographics of men if you think literally half of them are misogynists.

If left untreated, asthma can lead to permane

If left untreated, asthma can lead to permanent bronchial tube narrowing and long term symptoms. First of all, the comet isn’t going to be harmed. He will be missed by all. The retro futurism aspects are definitely present in both. Some in the government and within their patron base will become excessively rich creaming off resources from the government’s treasury, or through kickbacks from megaprojects that may have only a superficial value for the common man. What is cool about the discussion you presented is it can be used with any business or industry. There wouldn’t be any gravity to keep anything stuck to the surface of sphere it would all drop down towards the star and be destroyed. Chomsky universal grammar For humans only?Despite its name, Chomsky originally took his ‘universal grammar’ theory to imply that there are major, and maybe insuperable barriers to mutual understanding between humans and extraterrestrials. Unlike previous releases where certain devices get dropped from support, iOS 9 supports every device that iOS 8 supported, which includes the Apple A5 based iPad 2 from 2011.

Students, graduate or undergraduate, and their lives are all nuisance, and you can tell from how they are treated in financial transactions relative to the aforementioned beneficiaries on whose behalf the Institute truly works.. And it isn always easy. I mean, I guess trying to figure out surprises is fine, but the amount of effort put into that instead of the book’s many other deeper qualities is really quite a shame.. But if you can live with throttling all traffic on the box, NLC works a treat.. Unsurprisingly, students are left without the solid foundation needed to tackle more complex problems. And you realize, 온라인카지노 ‘Hey, that point two minutes ago, that’s when I should have pulled it off the stove,'” she says.”What I try and do is give you the fix, which is if you have overcooked a custard, and it kind of looks like sweet scrambled eggs, while it’s hot put it in a blender or food processor, pulse it, blitz it, strain it right away and you’ll actually never know it overcooked. Does anything happen when you get good anti armor missiles off? No, he just disengages and tries again.

14). We may also disclose the information to investors, potential investors, business partners and others. It is not a Fallout or an Elder Scrolls. Age 89, of Plymouth, formerly of Burlington, Mashpee, and Port St. She had her chance to do comedy in that Amy Schumer movie and she a serious actress. We plan to study the spectral features produced by these lines over a period of time and see how they change relative to each other. Let me give you another example: the discovery of gamma ray bursts. Whose country hosts this year international climate summit, called Trump decision regrettable, and that putting it very mildly. Regular “war games” for crisis communication in the case of cyber crimes is becoming critical to have unified response and abilities to manage the scenarios which also gives confidence to the market to build resilience. CBD at this point doesn appear to have the same restrictions as THC in regards to juveniles and people with a history of certain disorders, though more research is needed.

So what happens when a small galaxy interming

So what happens when a small galaxy intermingles with the outer part of our own larger Milky Way Galaxy? It not pretty, as rivers of stars are being sheared off from a neighboring dwarf galaxy, Sagittarius, according to research by a team of astronomers led by Sergey Koposov and Vasily Belokurov (University of Cambridge).. Is how we learned about this opportunity and it seemed more feasible, and it was OK that we were just working in Atlanta, which I thought was cool. It is one of the best live action adaptations of Manga (Japanese comics or graphic novels) on the big screen, in recent times. They also know the ratio of regular matter to dark matter, so they can calculate the total amount of regular mass in the Universe.. The researchers proposed medical applications, like building scaffolding for living cells to attach, allowing you to grow organs in the lab. We can see nothing in the darkness. Of us at TOMS are honoured to be able to partner with the Malala Fund and help provide education to girls around the world, TOMS founder Blake Mycoskie told PeopleStyle while speaking of the collaboration.

Talk to them in their language and about themes and topics that they are passionate about. The focus of the earlier regime and the recent regime, it was very different, very opposite. The real issue is that if he’s accused of misdemeanours and crossing the line of law and decorum, just as alleged against the cops by the Delhi government, then he should step down till the investigation is complete. Were they being welcoming and encouraging to a new employee? Were they trying to hit on her? Or were they trying to convince themselves that women could do the job right?. The idea that the Solar System originated from a nebula was first proposed in 1734 by Swedish scientist and theologian Emanual Swedenborg. The incentive for quick sloppy answers comes from the bias of voters towards what’s already upvoted, which could be fixed just by showing them the answers in random order without the scores. What more, you probably have no idea just how much lack of sleep is affecting you.How is it possible to be sleep deprived without knowing it? Most of the signs of sleep deprivation are much more subtle than falling face first into your dinner plate.

The firing stopped and a horde of crazed German soldiers surged toward the stunned group. A second added: “On the one hand, problematic as f, and an example of diversity done wrong. You obviously not going to be spamming it if you want actual DPS but in niche situations, like when Kushala is spamming tornadoes, it can actually be nice to not feel like you standing around with a thumb in your bum waiting for it to come out.. They are hard to sell from. Who will make the change?. You put your faith in the producers to pick some good girls, but I think the main thing was, I felt like after they come to me a couple of times and said, at least like you to go through 바카라사이트 the interview process, and I kind of felt like it was almost like a little sign from the universe, saying this is something you should do and maybe there someone else out there who getting the little sign as well I might have a chance. I feel like L often pins her issues on me and takes them out on me. Traffic can be, and usually is, horrendous.

Download Songs Dil Ke Arman Ansuo Me Bah Gaye

Download Songs Dil Ke Arman Ansuo Me Bah Gaye Ringtone only for review course, Buy Cassette or CD / VCD original from the album Dil Ke Arman Ansuo. This is the first time CHEO has been represented at the UN.. Keep in touch with them when you can.. If you enjoy hanging out, connecting with people, finding out what they do, where they work and travel and all of that then, why not? It could just be something you like as an individual but work wise if that’s what you think then it doesn’t work like that. The couple left for Udaipur after Priyanka mother Madhu gave them a hug. Seriously i understand there a lot of bias against him but let be reasonable. Van Niekerk (SA) 385; 4. Although the cargo compartment is pressurized and maintains similar pressure and temperature as the cabin, there have been cased of pet deaths in the cargo compartment, which is something to really contemplate before deciding to take your dog with you on a flight. No, I go every year. Later on, binary systems gave rise to giant Jupiter sized planets nearly large enough to be stars on their own.

“Sometimes I’m sitting in the dining facility with a Baskin Robbins Cookies ‘n Cream cup with chocolate sauce poured all over it watching Boston Legal on the plasma on the wall,” he says, “while guys are lined up for all you can eat lobster, and I think, ‘War is hell?'” (At Shulman’s request, Lori called the ice cream company and found out that its Oreo Cookies ‘n Cream flavor is kosher.). You need an office, a landmark within your business so people can recognize who you are and what you do from a branding perspective. The accommodation itself is basic and not luxurious but it’s perfectly adequate towels are changed daily when the rooms are made up. 25: Newswoman Barbara Walters is 85. On one hand I want my name out of the papers too because winners will certainly be targeted by people looking for donations/investment money/handouts/etc but at the same time transparency helps boost trust and prevent fraud. The overall size range of the classts is limited but they are not well sorted.

I’ve known her for 10 years now and watched her being born. A customer has a contract with a supplier. The rest of the world and the rest of the Avengers should have been absolutely livid at the fact that Wakanda chose to let the world suffer when they could have helped. Once a federal secretary is appointed, according to this newly approved policy, s/he will be on probation for the first six months. Each episode of the new series focuses on a foundation of baking skill and builds on it. The costumes! The hair! The Katherine Pierce! TVD (and the Salvatores) would never be the same again. Life quickly took on a societal structure in the camps. The anti malaria pills were to be taken once per week, every week while I’m in Angola, as well as one week prior to my departure and for four week after coming back. A statement, Clement says the decision is proof that he and his wife are licensed nutritionists who not and do not practice medicine. Copeman chambered a round in preparation for a possible confrontation, aiming the gun at the other man head as the two came face to face 카지노사이트.

My Japanese learning started in about Novemeb

My Japanese learning started in about Novemeber of last year. LXDE is another minimalist desktop environment which is aimed to serve lightweight devices and old computers. There was a rowboat with oars; a penguin perched atop a rocky embankment. Also perched above him, directly opposite in the Members’ Gallery, was his wife, Aline. Better bets are side salads with light dressing, baked potato (easy on the toppings), fresh fruit cups, corn on the cob, or apple slices.Pass on the French fries. The sole occupant of the terrace, an elderly woman in white sari had launched the missiles single handedly. Most people are caught up in their own lives and concerns. Popular ScamsYou’ve heard it before, the scammers are out and they want YOUR money. Elle a fait une brve incursion dans le monde des affaires. “I still can’t believe it happened,” says a bemused Moss, sitting with Parker at a charity sponsored screening in Toronto last week. They allow for larger groups than Flats Time and also offer night time charters, as well.

To show that his theory can work, Miller needed to develop a computer model.. An Infrastructure by Steve Traugott at Lisa 1998. A suburban Oklahoma City teen told investigators that his older brother told him that he shot and killed their parents because they had been communicating with him telepathically and were Satan worshippers, according to an affidavit released Tuesday. And so, we went looking for comets that were available during the time NASA would give us money, and then when we found Comet Tempel 1 close to perihelion, when it’s moving fastest, that also pleased us because the faster the comet’s moving, the more energy involved in the transfer to create the crater. From the core designs, pairs of cores can be disabled to make lower core count CPUs, and much like the previous generation, some low core / high cache models might be possible.. Being subbed out for playoff games and worlds games even if you the better player is not an example of the player having too much power. You can use free weights, such as kettlebells or dumbbells, or just use your own body weight.

Howard was there when my daughter died. The vehicle was successfully intercepted at 1421 hours, at which point we tentatively boarded. It was 5 sigmas, in 2 different independent experiments, and the Higgs is not only seen in one channel. Although other kinds of fusion reactors can produce more energy with more efficiency, the advantage of helium 3 is that the fusion reaction releases no neutrons. There are also traces of carbon, ethane, hydrogen sulfide, neon, oxygen, phosphine, and sulfur. For the game itself, as long as Riot continues to update the game on a constant basis and find ways to find new players, I not worried. Two peaceful species just 바카라사이트 trying to survive. We are not a clickbait group. Cyber crime is a reality that is exceeding with mushrooming fintech (financial technology) and increasing integration/intra operability. If we hope to find exoplanets, then we might need to look further afield like Epsilon Eridani, a mere 10.5 light years away (which would result in a travel time of 55 years for the proposed nanocraft).

It’s a strategy that’s served to ensure Jack

It’s a strategy that’s served to ensure Jack remains a happy, well adjusted boy, who unlike some nervous adolescents, scampered up the stairs to his first day of kindergarten worry free. So, there will be opportunities some global event, be it positive or negative people don’t look at. Zimbabwe or Venezuela prime examples. Parents who are drunk or high may be unable to care for their children, make good parenting decisions, or control often dangerous impulses. There is an increasing number of places that explicitly and shamelessly practice “believe the accuser” method of dealing with sexual assault cases. Learn from the successful sellers at your job. This is crucial in the scientific quest for universal physical laws, as astronomers are able to test their theories beyond our neighborhood, out across space and back through time.. Deng was averaging 9.3 points and 4.1 rebounds in his last 12 games after playing sparingly most of the season. With swift intervention, you may be able to prevent an episode of mania or depression from developing fully..

The general consensus seems to be that even under the draconian rues of the GDPR, a hash of an email is not personally identifiable and therefore that data would not be subject to the GDPR. Just Nos LOVE information. That said, the site estimated 9.75 per cent of the models counted were black, 7.67 per cent were Asian, 2.12 per cent were Latina and.45 per cent were is often the case, some models of colour walked for more designers than others. Labour on one side, having been born out of the trade unions, promotes a fiscal lead, protectionist platform versus the Conservatives who are the original Empire building, free market, capitalists. “When individuals are associated with issues, political parties will start doing their own thing. A 2010 experiment conducted by researchers from Princeton University confirmed General Relativity to a distance of 7 billion light years.. But there it was. Both leaders were known to surround themselves with a questionable crowd (Judges 11:3 1 Sam. The cover is a floral pattern in warm brown tones with a diagonally placed text box that says, “To my wonderful husband on our anniversary.” You can change the text, if desired.

In a new study, a team from the University of Rochester considered that perhaps Climate Change is the reason. The battery life as rated is 3.1 hours of talk time, which is good but may be not enough for many people.The Nokia 6120 is a perfectly assembled phone that comes with good set of 바카라사이트 features, and gives an average performance at a moderate price. Unlike the castles of Europe and Asia, American castles have no history worth mentioning except for perhaps their stories of rugged individualists’ wild dreams fulfilled. Europa’s aurora is created as it plows through Jupiter’s intense magnetic field, which causes particles to reach such high speeds that they can split the water molecules in the plume when they hit them. That means that you must either have a car or be prepared to use the bus and tram service which is very good in Nantes. Astronomers have adjusted the nebular hypothesis to account for some of these problems, but have yet to address all outlying questions.. Things like ear pain, sore throat, influenza and sprains, says Amber Flaherty, a physician assistant at Hennepin Healthcare.

He was born here! And he died here.”, “Haha!

He was born here! And he died here.”, “Haha! Still kicking!”). They spent a lot of time and worked hard on Azeroth and the other zones and they ignored now which is a shame. It’s got metal shards in its heart and the battery on it’s electro magnet is starting to brown out. Not all extroverts have heaps of friends, because sometimes when a tendency towards extroversion is mixed with an intense personality (note that intro/extro have nothing to do with personality outright) they will not be good at keeping people around that they crave for their energy. Was the name given, in July 2013, to the fourth and bottom tier of Scottish association football. As is saying it is hating to not think something is amazing. Gorgeous! The tail trailed bent back to the northeast with a slight arc. Reed, Eric N. Know I going to crash at some point but I just trying to keep going until [the funeral], said Anna.. It can be tough to strike a balance between accepting help and maintaining as much of your independence as possible.

A study explaining these findings was presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting in Washington DC held between December 10th to 14th. Catalan nationalists have shown willingness to escalate the situation to a completely economically destabilising degree and furthermore there is little 온라인카지노 to no correlation between class or right wing or liberal politics and Catalan nationalism, which represents a very broad spectrum of economic and political views. And we by far the 1 weapons makers and exporters so other countries (mostly Nato) use the.223 round for the M 16 type assault rifle. While the Sky Blues were good enough to get a point from the game, the Jets like the Mariners a few weeks back showed there are a few small chinks in Sydney’s armour for teams to target in the second half of the season.. Oftentimes, you find waivers where owners choose not to inspect for lead based paint and claim no knowledge of its presence. I play with a lot of Chinese transfer students and it definitely borderline racism.

The bullying manner in which it did so follows the erosion of civility in public discourse we have witnessed over the last few years.. “interests” much more varied as a result. For time reference here, my kid is 17 years old. Motherson Sumi has seen earnings downgrade due to a weak Chinese car market and falling diesel car sales.Power companies like Tata Power and NTPC are caught between input pressures and PPA issues with states. Wondered if it would affect flight operations at the airport. He also formed the basis of integral calculus.. Readers who think it silly are likely the ones who find real life examples of this behaviour silly. Not only does this mean striking elements such as IP address, but also means knowing your data and business well enough to assess as to whether or not remaining data elements are still a likely pointer to an identified individual.. However, the C7 is wider and longer than the C6 but not much: 104 x 53 x 14 mm vs 117 x 57 x 11 mm. Her husband calls her boss and reports that she is ill.

This program showcases just how important pla

This program showcases just how important planetary geologists will be to future missions.. They came up to me and my older brother sitting at the table, and kind of crowded around like a bunch of kids, about to see if they could have a cookie before dinner. If your commute is logged (via your cellphone, number plate recognition tolling, personally identified public transport like Oyster cards) then your location can be correlated against when your persona was online. Arianda and Mr. You have clearly put far too much trust in this person. The teachers are therefore the first audiences. I don believe that anything can be perfect. But keep an open mind. Exercise will help you to feel energized and less fatigued, not more.Find exercises that are continuous and rhythmic. Once you have a universal constructor, after all, you can build anything that buildable. Poh wants to refine her fish technique so this week she’s invited one of Australia’s finest fish cooks into her kitchen, Neil Perry.

Whereas Wham just straight up sticks his finger in Joseph neck. Like some guy here (marriedscoundrel?) who doesn get any from his wife, explained it to her, and she shot him down. And I read it, too.. Arrangements by Jordan Fernald, 141 South St. His own life was spared by “. People with GAD are chronic worrywarts who feel anxious nearly all of the time, though they may not even know why. Care of the Potted Anna Apple Tree Immediately after planting the tree, prune the branches back to one third their current length. Government betrayed us many a times. In what is known as the Grand Tack Hypothesis, Jupiter migrated towards the Sun and settled into its current position by roughly 4 billion years ago. The World. 3 years in, 3 raises (I’ve more than doubled my starting salary) and 3 promotions now I’m a Systems Architect. Unconscious mental functioning refers to thoughts, mental habits, beliefs and memories of which the person is not aware. Or earlier this year when he was sentenced to two years in prison..

If you or your partner suffers from restless legs, there never been a better time to find relief.A night in the life of RLSIf you have restless legs syndrome, a typical night might go like this: You lie down in bed, ready to go to sleep, and just as your body begins to relax, the crawling, tingling, or itching in your legs begin. Still, you can be a one day hermit at a local retreat. Unfortunately, that segment accounts for only 17 percent of the federal budget. Also, your service is used by many users, so this state can grow to be pretty big. A divorce or relationship breakup can disrupt almost every area of your life, amplifying feelings of stress, uncertainty, and chaos. You also much more likely to notice the good things that are happening, rather than letting them pass by unappreciated or unobserved. 80% of your grade was made up from exam scores. We also turn to food for comfort or to relieve stress which can quickly derail any weight loss plan.2. It has been an adjustment to be OK with the fact 바카라사이트 that my body may never be the same as it used to be.