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7a replica bags wholesale The ACT Government is continuing to resist calls for an inquiry into school violence despite an new report finding the ACT has replica bags online shopping india the highest prevalence of school principals experiencing physical violence and threats of violence replica bags in london in the nation.The 2018 Australian Principal OccupationalHealth, Safety and Wellbeing Survey produced by the Australian Catholic University shows that last year, 65 per cent of school leaders in the ACT were threatened with violence and one in two (51 per cent) actually experienced physical violence.The next worse when it comes to threats of violence are the Northern Territory (54 per cent), Tasmania (49 per cent) and Queensland (49 per cent), where after a drop in 2017, levels jumped again in 2018.For actual violence, the Northern Territory (50 per cent) and Tasmania (46 per cent) again follow.Weekly NewsletterEvery Thursday afternoon, we package up the most read and trending RiotACT stories of the past seven days and replica bags wholesale hong kong deliver straight to your inbox.SubscribeBy submitting your email address you are agreeing to RiotACT Holding’s terms and conditions and privacy policy.The survey, which covers both replica bags wholesale mumbai government and non government sectors, revealed concerning upward trends for the ACT, as well as NSW, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia.ButEducation Minister Yvette Berry said the increases were no surprise given that schools had been encouraged to better report incidents, and she expected that to continue.She rejected calls for an inquiry into school violence, saying programs were in place to deal with the issue, replica zara bags including the rollout of the Positive Behaviours for Learning program, and an inquiry would just become a spectacle.already doing all of the work that an inquiry would suggest that we do, she said.In 2017, the Education Directoratelaunched a new occupational violence policy and management plan only to have WorkSafe ACT launch action against the Government last year after a two year investigation into violence in public schools found it had failed in its duty of care to staff.Ms Berry responded by announcing the Government would invest another $2.3 million to implement WorkSafe recommendations.This month, school violence again raised its head when parents at Theodore Primary complained about continuing incidents in which children were attacked by other students. It emerged that parent concerns were a year old but had not been dealt with, even after Ms Berry asked officials to look into them in November 2018.Ms Berry launched an investigation but rejected Opposition calls for a Handbags Replica general inquiry into school violence.She said the incidents had been reviewed and extra supports were now in place at Theodore.The principals reportsaid the levels of offensive behaviour were growing in many parts of the country but the trend was not uniform. The data in the ACT, replica bags ebay NSW and Tasmania was extremely worrying in 2016 while the replica bags australia levels of threats and violence increased significantly in Victoria and Queensland in 2017.Nationally, the highest prevalence of violence is in Government primary schools at 42 per cent or 10.5 times the population rate, with women replica bags review most at risk 40 per cent experiencing violence compared to 32 per cent for men.A majority of Government school principals in the ACT are women, and there are 538 female school leaders compared with 214 male school leaders, according to the Education Directorate 2017 18 annual report.They should determine who are most at risk, why and what can be done to protect them and whether the risk also extends to teachers and students 7a replica bags wholesale.